Competences of Harald Kautz, sessions possible in English and German

This is a weird thing, the only two formal competences – where I actually got educated in something – came along with an agreement that this is service to god, and not a subject to make a living on. Just to name the two: I had an initiation in Sukyo Mahikari, where I learned to utilize a special type of healing life force as a bioenergetic technique. The original applications are very strongly embedded in the Japanese tradition of Sukyo Mahikari, highly ritualized, but I moved on from there. Still I need to honor this as the first and initial source of my skills. The second education I had was in psychic reading. This tradition came with less strict monetary limitations, to be precise with the promise to work on donation basis only.
All my other skills come from a life long struggle for self healing, and I simply share the experience I gathered, which at times leads to an inspirational transmission of healing processes.
The wordpress-programming required me to fill in some numbers – which I did – but I do not charge any fixed prices. I am happy to receive donations that balance the actual achievments we get during the sessions.
What I offer are two formats:
This is a simple conversation, to share experience and help to come to a decision which technique is leading the path into self-healing. There is no intervention, no actual healing process to be expected during the consulation.
Sessions: 45 minutes on donation bases
Spiritual Process
This longer session gives space to look at the spiritual side of things. Usualy it involves a high degree of compassion, in a way that I can see the strucure of „consciousness versus subconsciousness“, spot existing traumata, soul losses, destructive personality structures. The beauty of the concept is that I can be compassionate with everything in the client that is in free flow in me, no matter if it is conscious or subconcious in my client. From there, I might share the self-healing techniques I found for myself to heal similar traumata, dissolve destructive personalities and re-integrate lost souls aspects. The psychic reading skill are helpful, if the source of traumatisation or soul loss lies in prenatal traumatisation or past life experiences.
Sessions: 90 minutes on donation bases