Medizinische Lösungen in der Covid/Long Covid Therapie

Ein excellentes Gespräch des corona Ausschusses mit Dr. Med. Dietrich Klinghardt, über seine therapeutischen Ansätze bei Corona und Long Covid. Obwohl ich persönlich mehr für die Nutraceutikals ( und Radionik ( übrig habe, dachte ich soviel Sachverstand wie beim Dietrich darf nicht unreferenziert bleiben….

Five Stone Power Gut/Liver detox Protokol & Experince by Nadine Kira Alex

My experience with a higher dimensional gut/liver cleanse – ZenCleanz 7 day package + five stones powder + iboga

I was guided to do a gut/liver cleanse but to do it in a ritual/higher dimensional fashion.

I started with the 7 day ZenCleanz package, a really expensive premium detox product (500$ USD/7 days).

This product is made in asia by spiritual gangsters who ferment fruit enzymes for 3 years and pray over them etc.

It also contains radionics/quantum imprinted materials etc. I was skeptical particularly as there is an MLM sales component but what I experienced was straight white magic.

The ZenCleanz is split into 3 parts: the first day you take tons of apple fiber and mixed enzymes, then for a few days you just take tablets and detox liquids they give you. Then on the 6th day you take enzymes and do a hybrid andrea moritz liver/gall bladder cleanse, the last day is just tablets/detox. During this time you drink only juices etc.

The first day was easy, you basically have to swallow 250ml of warm apple sauce tasting compound, it was a really nice flavour. Its honestly a lot of material and annoying to do it every 2h for 12h.

The first day I took a little five stones powder to try and make it a higher dimensional detox, using its bioenergetic „heat“ to break constructs and do magic. It did not really react with my body because the apple pectin mix was so „cold“.

I got so much gurgling and things moving around but no bowel movements. What I did notice is that every 15m or so, I would get a massive food craving. When I tuned into them I realized they were not food cravings, they were flashbacks to intense food I ate. I realized this is the moment a parasite detaches higher dimensionally, your consciousness expresses the „microtrauma“ of the food not being digestible. I learned that to get rid of parasites, you have to imagine all of the intense/indigestible food signatures you ate and set the intention to easily digest them. Parasites are simply let in to help digest something your body feels is too big energetically to digest.

I also noticed I had a low grade fever like I usually do when parasite cleansing, but I did not have the feeling of toxicity etc.

The next day on an empty stomach I drank a large glass of juice with a little too much ginger and a pea size amount of five stones powder. This was a WILD experience. Usually with five stones powder you need to manage the „heat“ by eating „cold“ foods, working out etc. It is known to cause bioenergetic heat runaway, the ancients used to take people, trigger this process and then pour buckets of cold water on them for hours to dissipate the heat, this is immortality cult stuff.

Anyway I triggered the heat and felt the intense energetic nausea, my energy body was nauseous not my physical body. It would alternate from a feeling of nausea to a feeling of having to have diarrhea. When it was nausea, I could feel the heat building up and giving me a headache, when it switched, the headache went away and I could feel my kidneys heating up and aching from the „heat“ when the energy went down below.

I decided to let myself throw up, I felt like I was going to projectile vomit but only a few tablespoons came out, but it felt like I puked up 100 gallons, such relief. It was my energy body purging and only a small amount of was required on the physical plane to represent that. It was like kambo, the purge released a lot of emotions/constructs.

For a few hours I fought this sickness, it wasn’t unbearable but it wasn’t fun, like being too drunk and about to puke. During this time I started getting cramps in my stomach. I would get a cramp, feel the pain strongly, then I would feel some emotional pain from the trauma it was clearing and then the cramp would stop and the next place down would start cramping. This process repeated for a few hours until it went through my whole digestive system and then I felt such an extreme sense of peace and calmness.

I was expecting to release tons of solid material and rope worms/plaque but I just had liquid come out that looked like liquid rubber and smelled evil. When some splashes dried in the toilet bowl it hardened to a thick plastic like film. It honestly did not look like something that would come out of a human, the liquid looked like oil, it was slimy but did not dissolve in water etc.

The next few days were pretty chill and then it came time for the liver cleanse. That morning I went to a TCM doctor and got my liver cupped, got 7 dragons accupuncture to try and deal with the higher dimensional aspect of parasites and he palpated/massaged my liver. During the cupping I felt a huge bioelectrical entity associated with hunger/starvation leave my liver.

For the liver cleanse you take enzymes every few hours then drink an emulsion of of oil/citrus juices that causes your gallbladder to dump bile in an attempt to solubalize the material.

A few hours before this I took 1tsp of iboga rootbark because its super bitter and stimulate small gall bladder release, I also wanted to try to see the energetic process happening inside of me. It hit me like a bag of bricks because I was so clean energetically. I felt it did an amazing job of stimulating the liver because it was 100x more bitter than usual since I have not had any strong tastes in my mouth in a week.

I drank the emulsion and layed down and just explored my body and nothing much happened, I could feel the release, it was like gurgling etc around my liver. At some point tuning into my liver and thinking of cleaning it, it just spontaneously cramped and I heard gurgling, I think it switched from starvation mode into cleaning mode.

Not much happened and then I went to sleep, in the morning I had a bowel movement and it was the first solid movement. It was two fistfulls of green gravely material that was very soapy and did not smell of feces at all. There is no doubt in my mind that this cleanse caused around 2 large handfuls of material to purge from my liver and I could feel the difference.

In parallel with the cleanse I had a lot of emotional/karmic topics come up but I realized that a cleanse like this is basically ritual healing magic, I truely believe I could not have made the spiritual/development steps I did without it. I entered a new frequency band and my bioenergy body remodeled.

During this cleanse I spent hours turning into and exploring the concept of parasites, hunger, cravings etc. I observed a total remodeling of my body around the bioenergetic construct of food scarcity/starvtion. I basically felt an entire constellation of trauma based bioelectrical constructs leave my body and my relationship with food has totally changed.

The proper meal I had was two super fresh tuna sashimis, I kept getting a download to try fresh tuna. I put it in my mouth and savored it, then spontaneously my heart connected to the fishes/DNA lifeforce and I got a rapid feeling of panic/disgust as I felt I had a living being in my mouth, like I was eating a friend.

I dont think I am able to eat meat again, and I dont actually think I need to eat much. I have been studying biophotonics, pranic meditation etc and I was shown that my metabolism was already broken and „breatharian“ because I used to push myself with my will/soul to work 16h a day without really eating and this process switched my metabolism to bioenergetic nourishment. The reason I could not use it was because I had starvation trauma from breastfeeding that created a constellation of bioelectrical constructs around food etc. I believe this is what the Daoists called „the three corpses“, a self parasitic psychospiritual construct around craving.

During the cleanse I used the daoist “5 sprouts” meditation to energise my bioenegetic system and it’s known to energetically “take space” and push out entities and bioelectrical constructs. I had that experience, I could feel myself get energised by it but also had trauma pop up when I used it.

I think this is a next level protocol and I believe the jedis that made ZenCleanz were channeling angelic energy/tech. It should be done with five stones powder and it should be done in a ritual healing context. Its also a little too powerful, I had trauma manifesting in my physical world and events repeating to heal etc. For example I cut my finger badly many years ago, well at the end of the cleanse I was cutting a plastic thing with a dull knife, flashed back to that memory, thought I was about to cut myself, tried to be more careful and then instantly my hand twitched and I cut myself in the exact same place the exact same shape.

Alchemic medicine/ritual healing magic is powerful and can cause events to manifest in your physical world, but for me and my spiritual/karmic/healing challenges, this was the only way to break through some barriers and it made me break through a whole new frequency band.

I highly recommend it although I suspect you can buy just the ZenCleanz 1 day stomach cleanse, juice and then do your own liver cleanse with andreas moritz protocol and save a lot of money.

Shopping List:

one peas volume of a mix of realgar, malachite, magnetite, cinnabar –

1-2 gram iboga rootbark –

7 day


Latest News on vaccine damage

The spike protein is the plague

Why vaccinated get magnetic…

150.000 vaccine deaths deleted from CDC files, source says.

The weaponization of the Flu

Since the covid-19 scenario started to unfold about one year ago, we are facing something that can be best described with the words I saw on a protesters banner in the US which stated:

“Trying to create a fake pandemic and getting mass-awakening instead”

It kinda was one of the best laughs I had during that year. So let us focus on that aspect of mass awakening.

What we face is the “coronation” of their intended One World Government, now openly advertised as The Great Reset. We might as well look at Agenda 21, that is about to be replaced by Agenda 2030. Both agendas hide things behind nice sounding phrases, and it needs experience of how these nice sounding goals are implemented to understand their malignancy. However, the great reset as advertised is very open in its goals: “in 10 years you will possess nothing, and will be happy about it” (Klaus Schwab) – i.e. we are talking about total economic destruction of the middle class, which implies total rule of the corporations, which by definition is corporate fascism. Why we will be happy, is related to the topic of transhumanism, more to this later….

The following is what we can find looking at the “locksteps”[i] leading to the future foreseen by the Rockefeller foundation:

  • A viral pandemic with a high risk of infection and mortality
  • Overstretched health systems of many nations
  • The economy is down
  • International mobility of people and goods is severely hampered
  • Tourism is almost dead
  • Global supply chains are interrupted
  • Retail shops close
  • Missing Containment Protocols in Developing Countries
  • Soft authoritarian response by the governments fail
  • Authoritarian Chinese approach works much better
  • Other nations emulate authoritarian, highly supervisory Chinese approach
  • More authoritarian form of rule persists after pandemic
  • Shocked populations welcome more surveillance … and more authoritarian rule
  • Biometric Identity Capture gets boost
  • More government control over industries vital to the national interest
  • IT-monopolists keep innovations within national borders
  • A multipolar IT-world with US-dominance
  • Philanthropic foundations become part of the external- and security policy of the USA
  • Prominent influence of the major foundations

Now to the “happy”! The other part that is openly discussed by the founder of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, is the fusion of mankind with AI. Following Ray Kurzweil, who in personal union represents the singularity university and google as the first one to publicly promote transhumanism, with Klaus Schwab’s public announcements we see the political leage projecting transhumanism as our collective future – and COVID-19 related political measures as the way to get there.

Transhumanism is the fusion of man and machine. This is achieved by introducing nanobots into the human body, that establish a bi-directional signal to surveillance-technologies, that root down to a computer system hosting a sentient world simulation (SWS), in which future behavior of individuals is calculated and if necessary, changed by flipping the recorded stream of consciousness back to the surveilled individuum. Like this, the mind control signal is perceived as free will. You see: happy!

All this is very much in the open right now for those who want to see. Let us check how this agenda routes back in history, and how the weaponized flu ties in with transhumanism.

Genetic sequencing of COVID-19 done in the early days revealed sequences copy-pasted from the HIV genome. However, these scientist were forced to withdraw their findings. Later analysis found sequences of the original Spanish Flu.

In 1997, under the supervision of Jeffrey Traubenberger, the Spanish flu was recovered from corpses in the Alaskan permafrost by the US military. It was a matter of time, till this effort would result in a bioweapon. This is how it always works. The bioweapon research facilities actually need a bioweapon, to be able to develop an antidote. Therefore, creating the bioweapon is always the logical first step. It was a matter of time, until the bioweapon would actually show up, accidentally escaped, stolen by agents working for the enemy, or somehow diverted by terrorists. This is actually only of importance, because the US were the only ones to hold that strand from the Alaskan permafrost, like this, the question “who did it?” has a simple and definite answer.

As I said, there comes the day when the bioweapon escapes…. I remember the first incident. Its imprint in reality was so strong, that we even managed to partly predict it publicly before happening.

This is what I first published 13th of July 2014, 4 days before MH17 went down in Ukraine, on Cara St. Louis’ Blog Vortexcourage:

Attention! Crossing lines pointing to terrorist attack against Berlin on July 16th – with a monetary reform following on July the 20th

A few times in my life, I have faced these crossing lines hinting to major events.  It was always a mixture of consciously set hints by the mass media, products of the collective subconsciousness manifesting mainly in feature films and advertisements and some input by clairvoyant people.

Actually, it happened three times, and thanks to loving individuals three times it was possible to stop these events from happening — leaving only a slight trail of corpus delecti that something was happening at all.  This time it is different.  This time even those loving characters step back and welcome the event — for the simple reason that it feels better to enter a phase of open conflict with global fascism than to continue drowning in their ocean of lies.

To the facts:

      • March 8th 2014 flight MH370 vanished from the flight radar and disappeared.  Funnily, the mobiles of the passengers and the crew still rang days after the incident.  It would have been easy to locate them. However, officially the plane is claimed to be lost.  Last recorded position and direction, fuel capacities and extrapolation of the line between the point of last contact and the point of last sighting at the Maldives hint to the American military base on Diego Garcia as the destination of flight MH370[ii].
      • On June 5th and June 10th, 13 planes vanished from the European radar monitors.  The problem occurred in Austria, southern Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia[iii]. It was suspected to be a NATO exercise to test a weapon system to disrupt the transponder communication of the airplanes. If one connects the countries that were subject to these incidents, they exactly cover the bee-line from Diego Garcia to Berlin.
      • MH370 was a Boeing 777 ER with a range of 12,800 km, the distance between Diego Garcia and Berlin is 8,661 km.
      • “V”, the whistleblower who announced the long list of Bankster suicides of last winter long before they happened, predicts a major event for mid-July.  It will not be immediately recognized as the Black Swan it will be, but will instead cascade to the implosion of the western financial system, starting off with the silver markets and turning Europe into a field of civil unrest and war.
      • On the 15th and 16th of July, the BRIC countries meet in Brazil to found an alternative to the IMF and the World Bank that will be less western-oriented than recent institutions.
      • Christine LaGarde, head of the IMF, gave a beautiful New Year’s Eve speech in which she elaborated over the numerological meaning of the number 7. As an introduction, she said that “she does what she is told to do,” that she was going to talk about the global economy and what is going to happen in the year 2014.  Then she explicitly started “to test the numerology skills of the audience,” asking them to think about the number 7.  She refers to a number of anniversaries: WW1 (100 years), Bretton Wood (70 years or 7+0=7), the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (2+5=7), the 7th anniversary of the beginning of the financial crisis (7=7). Also, she refers to the G7: G as a letter also carries the number 7. That, however, will not be as important as the G20, which could be referring to July 20th not July 7th as the important date. A second numerological date that is self-explanatory would be July 16th, 2014, leading to the core set of numbers 1+6=7, July is the 7th month, 2+0+1+4=7, i.e. 777.   Remember the type of airplane that disappeared? It was a Boeing 777.

Now, let’s have a look at the official media.  We see ISIS going berserk in Syria and Iraq…tearing out the heart of a little girl chained to a fence while alive; calling unmarried women to a sexual jihad; killing their families if they don’t hand the girls out for this purpose.  Over 2,500 rockets equipped with sarin were taken at a former factory for chemical weapons.  40 kg of uranium was taken from a hospital in Mosul.  To be honest, it looks very much like a western media campaign. Try to imagine 800 drugged, mad youngsters in open vehicles conquering a country of 32.58 million people.  That would be 1 terrorist for every 40,000 citizens.  Something is wrong here.  Google ISIS.  You will find them here:

To cite:

ISIS provides worldwide security, intelligence, technology and training to government and private enterprises. ISIS is strategically positioned across the globe, with a highly-credentialed management team and personnel.  We have a superlative track record for delivering exceptional service and support to the most demanding of clients in the most challenging of circumstances.

ISIS has earned a stellar reputation with some of the most respected companies and organizations in the world.  Our customers have included various branches of the Department of Defense, State Department and National Security Agencies, as well as the most highly regarded government contractors in aerospace, defense, information technology and security industries.

For me, this looks like someone pays ISIS to deliver a few stunts that can be broadcasted in a way that engenders hatred of ISIS, identifying it with Islam and making them believe ISIS would be capable of attacking the west with dirty bombs and chemical weapons.

We have quite a few US officials that push panic regarding a second 9/11, with weapons of mass destruction.

Switching on the radio from time to time, one might ask why Leonard Cohen’s song, First We Take Manhattan, is played so often at the moment.  “First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin…” With these incredible lyrics, he dives into the psychology of a “muslim” terrorist.

Sorry to do that, folks, but on the evening of July 15th, people will gather in the center of Berlin to feast on whatever comes out of the final of the world soccer championship (football).  This party will not end before midnight.  The morning hours will be the 16th…you might face a 777 flying in.  If I were you, I would not go there. At least, I would abandon the place before midnight.

Clairvoyant sources confirm that this is planned and that it is okay that it happens to help people wake up.  Also, it is okay to issue a warning such that people who are already awake can move out of the drop zone.

One clairvoyant source said the target is Lichterfelde, a district in southern Berlin.

This is an area where much of the national-oriented, US-establishment of Germany is located.  They are in this way shifting from a US-ruled world to an UN-ruled world. Maybe they hit both.

There haven’t been too many manifestations of the collective subconscious around, which is something that caught my attention.  The only one that shattered me to the bone was one of the skyscrapers at Berlin Alexanderplatz being under construction, covered with a 20×40 meter-big poster showing a soccer hero kicking the ball into a black and white picture of the façade covered by the poster…leaving a 9/11-like hole in the virtual building.

Please share in the ways that are at your disposal to be on the safe side.


Harald Kautz-Vella

As you know, some parts of my prediction were utterly wrong. Although the plane was in the airspace over Berlin at the time predicted, it did not go down there. It continued to Amsterdam, was refueled, and took off back to Malaysia. Over Ukraine, the flight path was diverted to territories combatted between the central government and separatists, was hit by something in the air, partly broke up and then crashed.

There are two versions of this incident, that contradict each other. The official version is that MH17 got hit by a buk missile transported in and out of Ukraine by Russian troops entering the separatist’s territories overnight.

The “thruthers” version is that someone hinted to the Ukrainian intelligence Putin will cross that airspace on the way back from his BRIC meeting in South America, in a plane of the same size and color as the diverted Malaysian plane. According to this version, two Ukrainian military jets intercepted the plane in question and perforated the cockpit with their board-canons. There are pictures of the cockpit clearly showing exit holes of bullets of the expected size. Before crashing, a separate explosion opened the storage area, and corpses rained down kilometers away from the actual crash site. They were already in the process of decay, had no blood in them, but instead there were lots of bags with blood plasma raining down with them. There were pictures of these corpses crashing through roofs and ceilings getting stuck in living room tables without loosing a single drop of blood. Witnesses said they smelled like being dead for weeks. Certain details like the form of the Malaysian flag on the plane and the position of the coffee-bar blocking one of the windows hinted to the fact that it actually was the lost MH 370 that had crashed in the Ukraine, not the MH17 as officially stated. To support this claim, the face book accounts of the people who were officially on the flight that had crashed, were all empty, and all created on the same date. And no family member showed up at the ceremony at the airport.

The pattern, open belly kilometer away from crash sight, somehow reminds of the prediction for Berlin, with the same distance anlong the trajectory between Lichterfelde and the big party on the „Street of the 17th June“ in towns center.

After we had expected some form of weapon of mass destruction being on that flight, we tested these corpses for bioweapons, and they tested positive for a weaponized Spanish flu. Don’t get me wrong, we had no medical personal on the ground, but working with radionic equipment provides the possibility to remote-test using visual material – which is giving results as reliable as muscle-testing in one-to-one medical treatment. With the possibility of seing a weaponized Spanish flu released, we jumped into research and development, and after 10 days we had like 250.000 doses of a „product“ on stock at the headquarters in Vienna to be delivered to the Ukraine on demand. Formally it was designed and labled as a food supplement. To bypass legal procedures it was easier to officially make no medical claims. In reality it was designed to prevent all secondary bacterial infections that had turned out to be the killer in the 1918 pandemic. The supplement was designed to minimize the damage done to the tissue by minimizing the cough irritation, and by boosting the regenerative capability of the tissue. The product was produced in high concentrations to make logistics as easy as possible. We had the FSB involved to possibly assist with the deployment in the separatist territories. But no pandemic emerged.

Just for those who might be interested in the concept, the same food supplement – not the concentrated form, but a “ready to use”-one with the same radionic formulas, is still traded by as eXFluenza. I explicitly make no medical claims on this food supplement, anecdotally I can say that when I needed it in later years, it did suppress coughing to a minimum, prevented fever and other inconvenient symptom, but still had the body do its detoxing via the mucoid skin. Anecdotally spoken, we successfully treated cat AIDS bringing our beloved “Stella” fully back to life. Cat AIDS is the terminal stage of the cat flu, regarded to be terminal with a prognosis of maximum 3 weeks till death. Stella made it another two years.

Relevant to our story here: If that was an attempt to revive the Spanish flu, it failed for unknown reasons. Maybe there is still some form of herd immunity in the epigenetics of mankind.

Then, COVID-19 happened. First genetic sequencing revealed strands from the AIDS virus in COVID-19. Sound analysis of the voices of victims from Wuhan showed, that the frequency patterns responsible for triggering the reproduction of the virus and those for triggering the immune response to remove it from the body were in a harmonic relationship, something that also points to a bioweapon because it does not happen in nature. The effect is, that when the body tries to put an end to the disease, it actually triggers further replication of the virus instead, leading to exponential chain reactions that end up as a cytokine storm. The thing to realize here is: COVID is a bioweapon. When being infected with the original RNA, it can lead to a series of serious symptoms untypical for regular flu.

Back then in early 2020, I jumped into the German research community, just to realized that I faced a closed society that was not even considering testing a solution that was not coming from one of the big pharmaceutical companies. Later that year, it became clear that the entire research and development was focusing on vaccines, not on remedies.

A closer look at the solution the companies come up with, reveals why things are what they are. Actually, all vaccines that make it to the market, are by definition Gen-therapies, not vaccines. Whatever is offered to the public, is designed to mess with human genetics. Companies like biontec, do not even have a history in medical research. They are and have always been into genetics.

This is no surprise, given the official agenda of the Great Reset, to turn humans into borg, to merge humans with AI. One of the main problems the transhumanists face, is that AI utilizes predictive programming. This is something that works with traumatized humans only. A non-traumatized human that lives based on his heart consciousness, functions highly non-linear, absolutely unpredictable, and the entire concept of adding an avatar in a sentient world simulation, that predicts future actions and sets radio controlled triggers to achieve desired actions depends on the predictability of behavior.

We still have to fully understand what these vaccines really do to the human genetics, but the whistle has been blown that they are designed to disconnect us from our divine spirit. Or, it simply damages DNA to an extend that the need for later gene therapies would be plausible (create an problem and offer the solution), and the later gene therapies will disconnect us from the divine. As the whistle has been blown on the nano-machines that are attached to us via the PCR tests stuck deep into our noses, we might face a double purpose of collecting data for NDA databases and shutting down our pineal glands, our main portal to our higher selves.

No fear. Watch your steps. Be safe.



