Five Stone Power Gut/Liver detox Protokol & Experince by Nadine Kira Alex

My experience with a higher dimensional gut/liver cleanse – ZenCleanz 7 day package + five stones powder + iboga 

I was guided to do a gut/liver cleanse but to do it in a ritual/higher dimensional fashion.

I started with the 7 day ZenCleanz package, a really expensive premium detox product (500$ USD/7 days).

This product is made in asia by spiritual gangsters who ferment fruit enzymes for 3 years and pray over them etc.

It also contains radionics/quantum imprinted materials etc. I was skeptical particularly as there is an MLM sales component but what I experienced was straight white magic.

The ZenCleanz is split into 3 parts: the first day you take tons of apple fiber and mixed enzymes, then for a few days you just take tablets and detox liquids they give you. Then on the 6th day you take enzymes and do a hybrid andrea moritz liver/gall bladder cleanse, the last day is just tablets/detox. During this time you drink only juices etc.

The first day was easy, you basically have to swallow 250ml of warm apple sauce tasting compound, it was a really nice flavour. Its honestly a lot of material and annoying to do it every 2h for 12h.

The first day I took a little five stones powder to try and make it a higher dimensional detox, using its bioenergetic «heat» to break constructs and do magic. It did not really react with my body because the apple pectin mix was so «cold».

I got so much gurgling and things moving around but no bowel movements. What I did notice is that every 15m or so, I would get a massive food craving. When I tuned into them I realized they were not food cravings, they were flashbacks to intense food I ate. I realized this is the moment a parasite detaches higher dimensionally, your consciousness expresses the «microtrauma» of the food not being digestible. I learned that to get rid of parasites, you have to imagine all of the intense/indigestible food signatures you ate and set the intention to easily digest them. Parasites are simply let in to help digest something your body feels is too big energetically to digest.

I also noticed I had a low grade fever like I usually do when parasite cleansing, but I did not have the feeling of toxicity etc.

The next day on an empty stomach I drank a large glass of juice with a little too much ginger and a pea size amount of five stones powder. This was a WILD experience. Usually with five stones powder you need to manage the «heat» by eating «cold» foods, working out etc. It is known to cause bioenergetic heat runaway, the ancients used to take people, trigger this process and then pour buckets of cold water on them for hours to dissipate the heat, this is immortality cult stuff.

Anyway I triggered the heat and felt the intense energetic nausea, my energy body was nauseous not my physical body. It would alternate from a feeling of nausea to a feeling of having to have diarrhea. When it was nausea, I could feel the heat building up and giving me a headache, when it switched, the headache went away and I could feel my kidneys heating up and aching from the «heat» when the energy went down below. 

I decided to let myself throw up, I felt like I was going to projectile vomit but only a few tablespoons came out, but it felt like I puked up 100 gallons, such relief. It was my energy body purging and only a small amount of was required on the physical plane to represent that. It was like kambo, the purge released a lot of emotions/constructs.

For a few hours I fought this sickness, it wasn’t unbearable but it wasn’t fun, like being too drunk and about to puke. During this time I started getting cramps in my stomach. I would get a cramp, feel the pain strongly, then I would feel some emotional pain from the trauma it was clearing and then the cramp would stop and the next place down would start cramping. This process repeated for a few hours until it went through my whole digestive system and then I felt such an extreme sense of peace and calmness.

I was expecting to release tons of solid material and rope worms/plaque but I just had liquid come out that looked like liquid rubber and smelled evil. When some splashes dried in the toilet bowl it hardened to a thick plastic like film. It honestly did not look like something that would come out of a human, the liquid looked like oil, it was slimy but did not dissolve in water etc.

The next few days were pretty chill and then it came time for the liver cleanse. That morning I went to a TCM doctor and got my liver cupped, got 7 dragons accupuncture to try and deal with the higher dimensional aspect of parasites and he palpated/massaged my liver. During the cupping I felt a huge bioelectrical entity associated with hunger/starvation leave my liver.

For the liver cleanse you take enzymes every few hours then drink an emulsion of of oil/citrus juices that causes your gallbladder to dump bile in an attempt to solubalize the material.

A few hours before this I took 1tsp of iboga rootbark because its super bitter and stimulate small gall bladder release, I also wanted to try to see the energetic process happening inside of me. It hit me like a bag of bricks because I was so clean energetically. I felt it did an amazing job of stimulating the liver because it was 100x more bitter than usual since I have not had any strong tastes in my mouth in a week.

I drank the emulsion and layed down and just explored my body and nothing much happened, I could feel the release, it was like gurgling etc around my liver. At some point tuning into my liver and thinking of cleaning it, it just spontaneously cramped and I heard gurgling, I think it switched from starvation mode into cleaning mode.

Not much happened and then I went to sleep, in the morning I had a bowel movement and it was the first solid movement. It was two fistfulls of green gravely material that was very soapy and did not smell of feces at all. There is no doubt in my mind that this cleanse caused around 2 large handfuls of material to purge from my liver and I could feel the difference.

In parallel with the cleanse I had a lot of emotional/karmic topics come up but I realized that a cleanse like this is basically ritual healing magic, I truely believe I could not have made the spiritual/development steps I did without it. I entered a new frequency band and my bioenergy body remodeled.

During this cleanse I spent hours turning into and exploring the concept of parasites, hunger, cravings etc. I observed a total remodeling of my body around the bioenergetic construct of food scarcity/starvtion. I basically felt an entire constellation of trauma based bioelectrical constructs leave my body and my relationship with food has totally changed.

The proper meal I had was two super fresh tuna sashimis, I kept getting a download to try fresh tuna. I put it in my mouth and savored it, then spontaneously my heart connected to the fishes/DNA lifeforce and I got a rapid feeling of panic/disgust as I felt I had a living being in my mouth, like I was eating a friend.

I dont think I am able to eat meat again, and I dont actually think I need to eat much. I have been studying biophotonics, pranic meditation etc and I was shown that my metabolism was already broken and «breatharian» because I used to push myself with my will/soul to work 16h a day without really eating and this process switched my metabolism to bioenergetic nourishment. The reason I could not use it was because I had starvation trauma from breastfeeding that created a constellation of bioelectrical constructs around food etc. I believe this is what the Daoists called «the three corpses», a self parasitic psychospiritual construct around craving. 

During the cleanse I used the daoist “5 sprouts” meditation to energise my bioenegetic system and it’s known to energetically “take space” and push out entities and bioelectrical constructs. I had that experience, I could feel myself get energised by it but also had trauma pop up when I used it. 

I think this is a next level protocol and I believe the jedis that made ZenCleanz were channeling angelic energy/tech. It should be done with five stones powder and it should be done in a ritual healing context. Its also a little too powerful, I had trauma manifesting in my physical world and events repeating to heal etc. For example I cut my finger badly many years ago, well at the end of the cleanse I was cutting a plastic thing with a dull knife, flashed back to that memory, thought I was about to cut myself, tried to be more careful and then instantly my hand twitched and I cut myself in the exact same place the exact same shape. 

Alchemic medicine/ritual healing magic is powerful and can cause events to manifest in your physical world, but for me and my spiritual/karmic/healing challenges, this was the only way to break through some barriers and it made me break through a whole new frequency band. 

I highly recommend it although I suspect you can buy just the ZenCleanz 1 day stomach cleanse, juice and then do your own liver cleanse with andreas moritz protocol and save a lot of money. 

Shopping List:

one peas volume of a mix of realgar, malachite, magnetite, cinnabar –

1-2 gram iboga rootbark –

7 day

SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro

Abstract: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV–2) has led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, severely affecting public health and the global economy. Adaptive immunity plays a crucial role in fighting against SARS–CoV–2 infection and directly influences the clinical outcomes of patients. Clinical studies have indicated that patients with severe COVID–19 exhibit delayed and weak adaptive immune responses; however, the mechanism by which SARS–CoV–2 impedes adaptive immunity remains unclear. Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.

Read full text here:

Protocolo de limpieza del cáncer

Hoy escribí un protocolo para una clienta con cáncer terminal sobre cómo es posible que se recupere, y pensé que sería bueno ponerlo a disposición del público en general. Cubre el componente psicológico/espiritual de las causas de la enfermedad, así como los niveles de nutrición y desintoxicación. Los tres enfoques se encuentran en varias escuelas con pretensiones de absolutas, y pensé que si aquellos ya estaban obteniendo buenos resultados estando de pie sobre una pierna, entonces un trípode posiblemente debería hacer maravillas.

El componente espiritual psicológico

Encontrar el conflicto relacionado con el cáncer que surgió de un evento traumático hace unos 17 años, y resolver los bloqueos emocionales asociados con el trauma en ese momento. Consulta en Internet la «Nueva Medicina Germánica» de Geerd Hamer, que enumera qué tipo de cáncer está relacionado con qué tipo de conflicto, para encontrar el conflicto activo.


Tome medidas desde el primer día

Tome zeolita activada de tamaño nanométrico, 6 veces al día 1/3 de cucharadita durante las primeras 3 semanas, cuando los síntomas mejoren reduzca la dosis a la mitad, pero continúe hasta la curación completa. Disponible en:

Es mejor tomar 2 semillas de albaricoque amargo o, si no están disponibles, las semillas de dos manzanas al día hasta la curación completa. Disponible en línea o en tiendas locales.

Beba mucha agua viva activada, al menos 2 ½ litros al día. Personalmente recomiendo el agua filtrada y activada con tecnología Pleroma. El agua Pleroma tiene una estructura especial de megacluster que permite que el agua transporte nutrientes y elimine toxinas a través de las membranas celulares. Esto es importante para la desintoxicación y el mantenimiento de un sistema inmunológico fuerte. Disponible en: No deje nunca de beber esta agua.

Proporcione a su cuerpo magnesio por vía transdérmica (pulverizaciones sobre la piel) con al menos hasta que haya completado la limpieza de colon, que se abordará más adelante.

Cambie a una dieta totalmente orgánica (comida real del mercado orgánico o del agricultor orgánico local o de su propio jardín) para evitar añadir más toxinas a su cuerpo, y complemente su dieta con el Protocolo de Cáncer de Hristo Mermerski: Deje de beber leche de vaca y de comer productos lácteos de vaca. Si te apetece, los productos lácteos de cabra son una posible alternativa, pero para la fase aguda de curación, mejor mantener la dieta ortodoxa en este sentido. En cuanto a la dieta, si quieres seguir las escuelas clásicas, puedes encontrar la dieta más adecuada buscando el término «dieta Paleo». Frutas, bayas, hierbas, raíces, semillas y frutos secos ricos en proteínas, sin «hierba», es decir, sin gluten. La dieta Paleo sigue incluyendo la carne. A fin de cuentas, la mayoría de los cuerpos no necesitan carne cuando están en plena salud, es más bien un mecanismo de emergencia para el invierno, así que cuando nos faltan alimentos vegetales, podemos sustituirlos por algo «que tenga cara». Si comes carne, deja que los intestinos tengan tiempo de digerirla completamente antes de comer la siguiente comida. Energéticamente, cada vez es mejor a medida que pasamos de Paleo a vegetariano y a vegano. Pero, por favor, nunca comas una dieta vegetariana o vegana de alimentos industriales. Podrías morirte de hambre. Si tienes antojos pero no quieres recurrir a la carne, prueba las sopas de huesos en su lugar.


Los siguientes pasos se dan por etapas a lo largo de los muchos meses de recuperación que vendrán y sirven para desintoxicar todas las áreas del cuerpo

Los siguientes protocolos deben utilizarse uno tras otro, pero sin pausas entre ellos.

Beba ½ litro de agua isotónica cada día durante 3 semanas en pequeñas porciones entre las comidas. Puede prepararla hirviendo ¾ de litro en una olla de acero inoxidable durante 20 minutos y dejándola enfriar. El agua isotónica limpia el sistema linfático y prepara al cuerpo para transportar los nutrientes y eliminar las toxinas de las zonas envenenadas.

Limpia tu colon de posibles biofilms que bloqueen la absorción de nutrientes. Si tiene el estómago y los intestinos sanos, el protocolo de Andreas Moritz es el más eficaz. Requiere de 1 a 3 cucharaditas de sal de Epsom (sulfato de magnesio, disponible localmente) completamente disueltas en agua tibia una hora antes del desayuno. Si se trata de 1 o 3 cucharaditas depende de su deficiencia de magnesio. Tome la cantidad justa para enjuagar y vaciar completamente sus intestinos antes del desayuno. Haga esto durante 3 semanas. Paralelamente, puede tomar cáscaras de psyllium para limpiar mecánicamente su colon.

Una vez que el colon esté limpio, considere tomar sílice coloidal. Disponible en:

Limpie sus riñones con el té de riñón Andreas Moritz. Coloca 2-3 cucharadas en ½ litro de agua fría por la noche, hierve por la mañana, baja el fuego poco después de la ebullición y deja reposar durante 5 minutos. A continuación, cuele la infusión y bébala en pequeñas porciones a lo largo del día. Disponible en:

Cambie su hígado del modo de supervivencia al modo de vida con la ayuda del remedio radiónico Super Zeolite, Disponible en: No te confundas, no está etiquetado como suplemento dietético, la UE ha tomado medidas legales contra el producto y lo ha obligado a entrar en modo oculto. La cura dura 6 semanas, pero no hay que esperar a que pase ese tiempo para tomar más medidas.

Consiga el libro de Andreas Moritz titulado «The amazing Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse» (La increíble limpieza del hígado y la vesícula biliar) Ver: y comience un ciclo de limpiezas hepáticas hasta que el hígado esté totalmente recuperado.

Para desintoxicar el entorno intracelular, encontramos que la combinación de Manju, una bebida saludable japonesa, con la firma radiónica de juVenilum es óptima. El Manju se puede pedir en línea, la firma juVenilum actualmente sólo se puede pedir directamente al «Institut für Infopathie UG en Radolfzell, Alemania», si puede encontrar juVenilum a la venta en línea, hemos resuelto nuestros problemas para poner el producto en línea. Puede mantener su salud mental haciendo una aplicación de 6 semanas cada medio año.









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